1) Linear and Integer Programming: Watched week 2 video lectures (Simplex Method).
2) Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information: Watched week 2 video lectures (Dublin Core).
3) Introduction to Recommender System: Submitted Written Assignment 1
4) Linear and Integer Programming: Submitted Pivoting Assignment #1. Still need to do Program the Pivot: part 1 and part 2 (Will use Scala to complete the assignment because I need to brush up the language before Reactive Programming course commences in November).
5) Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information: Submitted Homework 2 and earned 15/15 in third attempt (Thanks to the hints from TA and fellow classmates).
6) Introduction to Recommender System: Begin to watch week 2 video lectures.
7) M102: MongoDB for DBA – Downloaded Certification of Completion and joined LinkedIn M102 Alumni Group.
8) M101JS: MongoDB for Node JS Developers – Completed Homework 5 (Aggregation).
9) M101J: MongoDB for Java Developers – Completed Final Exam tonight (2013-09-12). Questions will be graded on September 24, 2013 and I aim at 9/10. I am confident of my answers except question 5. I got it wrong in M101P exam and did not bother to watch the answer video. The same question appears again and I have no idea which options to choose.
All MongoDB university courses are great and I hope many people feel the same way I do.
10) Continue to work on my simple Android Application.
— Create an activity to load Fevawork course pages in WebView. The WebView shows progress status during page loading and built-in zoom tool to enable user to resize page. Moreover, the activity listens to backspace and triggers WebView to return to previous page if previous page exists.
— TODO: Load course records from sqlite database and implement operations to add, delete update courses.