1) Linear and Integer Programming: Submitted part 1 and part 2 of Week 2 programming assignment. Both parts are written in Scala and borrow matrix concepts taught in Coding the Matrix course.
2) Coding the Matrix: Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction received today (2013-09-16). The final grade is 99.8% and I forgot I lost 0.2% in week 1 assignment.
3) Linear and Integer Programming: Week 3 videos and Homework 3 released. This week covers simplex method and auxiliary problem.
4) Linear and Integer Programming: Completed Homework 3 (2013-09-20). Use my favorite solver, Octave, to solve question 1, 2, 4 and 5.
5) Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information: Unit 3 videos released and the topic is how to build a metadata schema using Dublin Core, HTML and XML as examples. Finally, something I can relate to because I have working experience in XML and HTML technologies.
6) Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information: Completed Homework 3 and earned 15/15 in my third attempt (2013-09-20).
7) Recommender System: Videos of Module 3 were released. I am just going to audit this course because my schedule is packed once again.
8) Signed up on CaltechX: CS1156x: Learning From Data . I hope I don’t drop it like I dropped Saas II. I heard it is an excellent machine learning course (probably as good as Andrew Ng’s machine learning course at Coursera).
9) M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers: Week 6 Homework was released in the past Tuesday. I completed the first 4 questions last night and finished the fifth one today (2013-09-20).
10) Learn to install unbuntu 13.04 on Virtual Box because I need it to complete the last assignment and final exam of M101JS: MongoDB for Node JS Developers.
11) An ex-colleague introduced Vagrant to me and it offers a quick way to set up ubuntu 64-bit in Virtual box.