1) Linear and Integer Programming: Week 4 videos and Homework 4 released.
2) Recommender System: Submitted Written Assignment 2 and Programming Assignment 1. Written Assignment 1 was peer-graded and surprisingly my grade is 6/6.
3) Recommender System: Watching lecture videos of module 3 and I have absolutely no clue how to tackle written assignment 3 and programming assignment 2. Module 3 is about content-based recommender that talks about user preferences, attributes and items. As usual, I have to watch the videos repeatedly until the concepts become clear to me.
4) Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information: Unit 4 videos released and the topic is Alphabet Soup (What the heck does that mean?). I find this course boring and may consider to give it up to concentrate on current courses and upcoming machine learning course.
5) M101J: MongoDB for Java Developers: Final exam was autograded today (2013-09-24) and my fear became reality, I got question 5 wrong again (this is starting to get on my nerve). I better watch the answer video before I attempt M101JS final examination before deadline.
6) M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers: Week 7 videos and final exam released today (2013-09-24).