1) Exploratory Data Analysis: Enrol Signature Track to earn my second Verified Certificate in Data Science Specialization.
2) Reproducible Research: Unfortunately I have to drop the course because of time constraint. I will definitely retake it in July iteration.
3) Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems: Completed Quiz 4 to 7 and Assignment 5 to 7. Assignment 1 to 5 were graded and awarded 100% in all of them. Next week’s plan is to watch Video lectures of week 8 and complete both quiz and assignment.
4) Advanced Competitive Strategy: Week 1 started this week and I have already finished watching all videos.
5) Continue to work on my first AngularJS project. The last outstanding item is to call FourSquare API to retrieve photo of the place and display it in the page
6) Follow tutorial to create a simple AngularJS + Firebase application. The link to the tutorial is Angular JS + Firebase tutorial.
6) Plan to use AngularJS + Firebase to plot OOCL shuttle bus routes on Google Map.
1) Show markers of various pick-up location.
2) Show travelling time to Science Park
3) Let user input address and locate the first three nearest pick-up locations
4) Store data in FireBase (Hopefully, I don’t get fired for disclosing company information)