1) Reproducible Research: Enroll Signature Track to earn my third Verified Certificate in Data Science Specialization.
2) Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems: Earn my second Verified Certificate in Mobile Cloud Computing with Android Specialization.
3) Advanced Competitive Strategy: Completed all 7 quizzes and open book final examination.
4) Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems: Submitted 5 quizzes and assignment 1. Assignment 2 was released but I cannot start until I watch all the videos of week 6. This course uses Spring framework to implement cloud services and instructor has covered Spring controller, Spring repository, Spring security, Spring data and Spring Rest.
5) Deploy my second AngularJS size project to
Features include:
- Show custom markers of pick-up locations on Google Map.
- Call Google Map Direction Service to render route.
- Allow user to input unlimited addresses to draw route to Hong Kong Science Park
- Define simple Restful API in NodeJS + Express Router
- Use Yeoman and Grunt to bootstrap AngularJS project.