Projects built in May, 2018


Reading Time: < 1 minuteVue Scroll Spy NavBar Demo: Repo: Animated Image Search using Pixable API Demo: Repo: Timezone Converter (Used time-convert.js built from ng-time-converter project) Demo: Repo: CSS Grid Simple portfolio site for May 18th side project sharing Demo: Repo: Angular Angular Custom Timezone Converter Demo: Repo:

Projects built in April, 2018


Reading Time: < 1 minuteAngular 5 Build a Todo App with Angular 5 and Ngrx 5. Ngrx 5 is an open source state management library powered by RxJS. So far, I used ngrx/store to define a store that stores todo, course and instructor entities. Ngrx entity generates entity state that is an object with mandatory ids and entities properties. … Read more

Projects built in March, 2018


Reading Time: < 1 minuteUse CSS grid to design Mondrian paintings in browser Mondrian Painting #2 Mondrian Painting #3 Mondrian Painting #4 Mondrian Painting #5 Repo: Use CSS grid to build a responsive image gallery with flexbox fallback Image Gallery (Flexbox) Repo: Image Gallery (Grid) Repo: Angular 5 A movie player Repo: Pomodoro Timer Repo: Dynamic Periodic Table Repo: