Week of February 10 to February 16

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1) Playful, Creative App: Watched week 8 videos and completed quiz #8.
2) Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems:  Week 4 covered UI controls and custom adapter of ListView. The ToDo Manager assignment looked quite easy on paper but i could not get it to pass the autograder. Turned out I called setcheck method unnecessarily and produced extra log statement in output file. In future assignments, i should pay attention to logic and write right code.

3) Working on Heritage on the Go/隨時隨地遊古蹟 Android Application.
a) Add function to save monuments to “My Favorites”
b) Add “My Favorites” navigation drawer item
c) Refactor code to centralize data in state object and have better organization of packages
d) Fix bug. Place fragment crashed after email was sent via Intent. Need to generate QR code bitmap and assign it to imageview in onResume method