Poly U Msc of Computing – IT 2014-2015 Semester 1 completed on 2014-12-20
1) COMP5324 – Internet Information Retrieval:
Final Grade: A
- Quiz A – 19/22
- Quiz B
- Group Project – Build a search engine to query relevant documents
- Languages: Shell scripting, Java and C++
- Libraries:
- Apache Common Math Library
- Trove4j
- JChart
- Implemented Retrieval Models:
- Vector Space Model
- Boolean Retrieval Model
- LSI for Vector Space Model
2) COMP5325 – Distributed Computing:
Final Grade: B+
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
- Project – Build a tool to characterize YouTube Video Streaming Platform
- Java 7, Maven 3, Â Apache Command CLI Library
- Argument:
- -v: video id
- -d: enable download mode
- -p: full path
- -f: filename
- -e: extension (mpf, flv, 3gpp, etc)
- -r: resolution (360p, 144p, 720p, 1440p)
- -x: proxy list