HK PolyU Msc of Computing – IT Semester 2

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Poly U Msc of Computing – IT 2014-2015 Semester 2 completed on 2015-05-08
Results released on 2015-05-18

1) COMP5527 – Mobile Data Management: A

  1. Midterm – 72/100
  2. Individual Study Report – Mobile Crowsourcing (No grade)
  3. Group Project – MiniBlog (No grade)
    1. Written in Android and Spring Boot
    2. Functions:
      1. Authentication
      2. Create new user account
      3. Create, Delete, Edit and View online and offline posts
      4. Create, Delete, Edit and View online and offline comments
      5. Edit and View user profile in online or offline mode
      6. Search other users by name in online or offline mode
      7. View posts created by other users
    3. Open source libraries used:
      1.  Client-side
        1. Butterknife for Android UI dependency injection
        2. Retrofit
        3. OkHttp
        4. SugarORM
        5. Roboletric for Android Unit Testing
      2. Server-side
        1. Spring DBUnit for DBUnit Testing
        2. Sprint Boot
        3. Embedded Tomcat 8 to host Spring Boot application

2) COMP5323 – Web Database:

  1. Assignment 1 – 104/100
  2. Midterm – 29/50 (Already the highest mark)
  3. Group Project – Study paper “Cloud Service Placement”
    1. Solve dynamic subgraph matching problem using Gradin framework
    2. PowerPoint Presentation
    3. Group report summarizes the paper, its weakness and potential improvements, and answer 5 questions.