- Generate a personal access token and create ACCESS_TOKEN variable under Settings -> Secrets.
- Keep the personal access token in a safe place and do not lose it
npm script commands
- Add script commands “build” and “clean” to build application and generate artifacts in dist/ directory
"scripts": {
"dev": "parcel src/index.html",
"build": "parcel build src/index.html",
"clean": "rm -rf ./dist/"
- Run “npm run build” to build static application before deployment to surge.sh
Surge setup
- npm install surge globally
npm install -g surge
- Login or create surge.sh account in command line
email: <email address>
password: <password>
project: <project directory>/dist
domain: <custom domain>.surge.sh
- After the site is published, verify http://<custom domain>.surge.sh can be browsed
Surge Token
- Generate surge token in command line
surge token
XXXXXXXXX <-- a surge token is issued by Surge
- In Github repo, create SURGE_TOKEN variable under Settings -> Secrets.
- Keep surge token in safe location such that it can be reused to deploy other applications to Surge.
Create Github Action workflow file
- Go to Actions tab of the github repo
- Create surge.yml under .github/workflow
Paste the follow code in the yaml file
name: Deploy to surge.sh
- master
name: Deploying to surge
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup Node.js for use with actions
uses: actions/setup-node@v1.1.0
version: 12.x
- name: Checkout branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Clean install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Build app
run: npm run build
- name: Rename index.html to 200.html
run: mv ./dist/index.html ./dist/200.html
- name: Install Surge
run: npm install -g surge
- name: Deploy to Surge
run: surge ./dist https://<custom domain>.surge.sh --token ${{secrets.SURGE_TOKEN}}
- Replace <custom domain> with actual surge domain name
Add 200.html page for Client-side routing
- When page is refreshed in Surge, the url does not reach our Reach Router and default Surge 404 page is returned.
- The solution is to rename dist/index.html to dist/200.html before deployment to Surge is carried out.
- This is done by mv ./dist/index.html ./dist/200.html in surge.yaml
- The reason is to load the app when 200 response is resulted. Then the app loads the appropriate component by matching the path of reach router to the url