1) Install npm dependencies
angular-cli-ghpages is a plugin that pushes angular application to gh-pages branch.
npm install angular-cli-ghpages --save-dev
Add prettier schematic to Angular project
npm install -g @schuchard/prettier ng g @schuchard/prettier:add
2) Create a .travis.yml file that details the deployment steps
3) Specify language is node_js and node version is 8
language: node_js node_js: - '8'
4) Cache npm dependencies and production build directory, dist.
cache: npm: true directories: - node_modules - dist/
5) Create environment variables to store github organization, repo name, github username and github email respectively. GH_TOKEN is your secret github token that is saved under Settings of your repository. You can find the link to generate github token here
env: global: - GITHUB_ORG="https://GH_TOKEN@github.com" - REPO_NAME="<repository name>" - GITHUB_NAME="<username>" - GITHUB_EMAIL="<email address>"
6) Add “before_script” to install npm dependencies without modifying package-lock.json file
before_script: - npm install --no-save
7) Add “script” to run different tasks before the final deployment
script: - npm audit - npm run prettier - npm run lint - npm run test-headless - npm run build-ngh branches: only: - master
8) The above tasks are created in scripts of package.json:
- npm audit audits npm dependencies to ensure vulnerabilities do not exist
- npm run prettier formats files with Prettier code formatter
- npm run lint performs linting on source files to identify any lint problem and aborts the process prematurely
- npm run test-headless executes test cases in headless Chrome browser and terminates if any test case fails
- npm run build-ngh compiles the source codes on master branch to production build and places the artifacts to dist/<project> directory
"scripts": { "prettier": "prettier --write \"**/*.{js,json,scss,ts}\"", "lint": "ng lint", "build-ngh": "ng build --prod --base-href \"https://railsstudent.github.io/<repository name>/\"", "test-headless": "ng test --watch=false --browsers=ChromeHeadless" }
9) If all script tasks finishes successfully, the task in “after_success” is executed to push the static pages to gh_pages branch
after_success: - ngh --repo="$GITHUB_ORG/$GITHUB_NAME/$REPO_NAME.git" --name="$GITHUB_NAME" --email="$GITHUB_EMAIL" --dir=dist/ng-rxjs-state-management-demo --no-silent
10) Add notifications configuration to receive notification email when travis build fails
- somebody@example.come
on_success: never # default: change
on_failure: always # default: always
11) Navigate to https://<username>.github.io/<repo name>/ to view the static pages