- Become a contributor of (github repo: Here) and made 10+ PRs in less than 3 months
- Contributions to websites of HKOSCon 2017 and PyCon 2017
- Volunteer of HKOSCon 2017 and PyConHK 2017
- Completed 8 Frontend Masters Courses on JavaScript, ES6, AngularJS, Angular and PWA
- Learnt Angular, TypeScript and FlexBox in my free time
- Upgraded company internal application to use AWS Cognito for authentication and AWS API Gateway to secure endpoints
What to do in 2018:
- Learn advanced topics of Angular (Ngrx, Universal App, PWA/Service Worker, AOT)
- Learn React and CSS Grid
- Continue to contribute in CodeBuddies project
- Run Go study group in
- Build my first WebVR application (Angular + Aframe.js or ReactVR)